Goddess of Deliciousness

It's a delicious recipe blog!

Sans Rival


by Nora Daza

6 egg whites
¾ cup sugar
1-1/2 cups cashew nuts, chopped finely
1 tsp vanilla
Grease and flour heavily 3 inverted 18” x 15” cookie sheets. Set aside. Beat egg whites until soft peaks are formed. Gradually add the sugar, beating well after each addition. Continue beating until egg whites are very stiff. Fold in cashew nuts and vanilla. Spread thinly in prepared pans. Bake at 300 F for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Cut wafers in the center if desired. Loosen and slide wafers to a flat surface. Cool. (Work while wafers are hot because they are hard to loosen as they are crisp when cool.)

Prepare filling.
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup water
6 egg yolks
½ lb. butter
2 tbsp rum
Boil sugar and water until it spins a thread. Meanwhile, beat egg yolks until thick. Pour syrup to egg yolks in thin streams while beating. Cool. Cream butter. Blend in egg yolk mixture and rum. Fill and cover wafers with filling. Sprinkle top with chopped cashew nuts. Serve chilled.

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This entry was posted on March 7, 2012 by in Desserts and tagged .